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Appignano Church of Saint Mary of Almaiano

Saint Mary of Almaiano was a small parish church visible on the right side of the road that goes from Appignano to the Convent of Forano. This church is about 2 km from the town. From the few visible remains, one can easily recognise the exquisite architectural features that characterised it; the utterly beautiful portal leads into the church where, even today, one can see the four rounded corners in the form of niches, each one surely contained a sacred statue. The church had a small bell tower as evident from the hole at the top of the second niche on the right.
The roof and pavement no longer exist. Toward the centre of the church, an oak tree has grown and seems to occupy the place of the old priests who over the centuries ministered between those walls. Many assets and properties belonged to the Saint Mary of Almaiano Church. Perhaps for this reason many well-known figures visited this church throughout the years.

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