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Recanati Museum the emigratory of the Marches

It is collocated inside of the Civic Museums of Villa Colloredo Mels. It presents and valorises the evidences that tell, through the human stories, the emigratory event of the 700.000 natives of the Marches, that in the past, they have left the Region to looking for better living conditions overseas or in the North of Europe.
Three are the logical levels overlapping which the set-up of the museum is conceived: “A first level of background that tells the general context of the emigration in nine environments. A second level that contextualizes the nine environments at the Marche’s situation, through information panels that illustrate the meaning of the environments with specific references at the regional reality. A third level of exhibition of the material (objects and documents) that tells the emigratory event with direct evidences.“ There are multimedial stations and innovative communication systems that with instruments of latest generation, drive the visitor through a “travel” of strong emotional effect.

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