Municipality of Recanati

Recanati, it’s famous in the world for have done the origins at the illustrious Poet Giacomo Leopardi and at the very famous tenor Beniamino Gigli, it elevates on the curvy crest of a hill between the valleys of the rives Potenza and Musone.
For his position, Recanati is a typical city-balcony from which you can admire a evocative landscape: over the Adriatic sea, during the sunny and clear days, you can sight the slave coasts veiled of mist. Most Northern the sight meets the massive mount Conero whose slopes seem to dissolve in the water of the sea before to fragment in the lively places of the coast.
From the mount Tabor, the Leopardi’s “ermo colle”, on the horizon appear, far and massive the “monti azzurri”, those mounts that were hidden and mysterious reign of the Sibilla. Along the slopes full of vineyards and olive groves, a geometric mosaic of colours marks the different crops and it is stopped, here and there, from torrents, clumps of trees, houses and villages.
During the Dark Ages, people lived on the shadow of three feudal castles: Monte Volpino, Monte Morello, Monte Muzio. Towards the half of XII century, they unite them giving rise to the free common.
By reason of a reached prestige and of a acquired security, Recanati developed a known and renowned fair trade frequented for over five centuries from all the people of Marca.
In 1294 the translation of the Santa Casa (Saint House) determined the jurisdiction of Recanati on the Sanctuary, by then frequented destination of pilgrimages, and on the residential area of Loreto. Lived for centuries in the ambit of the papal States, in 1860 became part of the Kingdom of Italy.